Visions FCU invests in educators 

It’s that time of year when educators start making plans for 2023-24. Those looking to add some special projects or programs to the mix now have a funding option. 

The Visions Loves Educators Classroom Funding Program is back for its seventh year. Nearly a decade ago, Visions recognized the need for educators in Northern New Jersey to fund classroom projects not covered by school budgets. Research has shown that educators take nearly $500 out of their own pockets to bring special programs and projects to their classrooms. 

So, Visions established their Classroom Funding Program in 2016, to help all educators—not just Visions FCU members—enhance their lesson plans without having to kick in personal funds. The credit union contributed more than $55,000 to classrooms, including several school districts in Northern New Jersey, in 2022 alone. 

How does it work? Visions awards full funding, up to $500, for projects submitted by full-time educators at the preschool, elementary, middle and high school levels within its service area. Because of the popularity of the program, Visions has dedicated $50,000 to the program this year so a large number of projects will get funded. The credit union is now accepting applications at

“Our educators give so much to their kids and our communities,” Visions’ Director of Branding and Public Relations Tim Strong said. “This is just one small way we can give back to them.” 

Visions Loves Educators is just one piece of Visions Cares, a larger initiative that highlights all of the credit union’s community involvement. This includes support of Project Education, a collaboration with NJEA that benefits all members and their students. Visions has committed $1 million to be dispersed over a 10-year period, which began in 2021. 

The grant has already supported the creation of the NJEA Racial and Social Justice Institute under the NJEA’s Human and Civil Rights Division. The goal of the partnership between Visions and the NJEA Racial and Social Justice Institute is to stand in solidarity in teaching on the issues of systemic racism, institutional racism, environmental racism, colorism, homophobia and all other forms of inequity. The institute will provide high-quality training and workshops for educators, students, families, and communities. It will also work to support local initiatives in public schools and county colleges. 

Project Education  

“Visions truly does care to the extent that we feel our commitment to community is very unique,” Strong said. “Our commitment to educators has been a priority for many years now and one that we’ll keep going well into the future.” 

 Educator of the Year, Student Loan Eraser programs 

In 2022, the credit union introduced its Educator of the Year award and Student Loan Eraser program as part of Visions Loves Educators.  

Visions honors educators who go above and beyond to support their classrooms and communities. Each recipient of the Educator of the Year award gets $2,000 as a token of appreciation and a special celebration with their school. 

The Student Loan Eraser Program is designed to offer help where educators need it most. Visions recognizes the long nights and many years of education that bring them to be the classroom leaders they are today. That’s why Visions encourages all educators—not just Visions FCU members—to apply for the Student Loan Eraser Program. Twenty recipients will be selected each school year and $1,000 will be awarded to each of them for repayment of their higher education costs. 

Learn more about these programs and much more at
