Scholarships and Essay Contests from NJHOF

Limited time remains for Garden State students in grades 3-12 to apply for the annual New Jersey Hall of Fame Areté Scholarship and Essay Contests. Find details and deadlines below, and be sure to encourage your students to apply for two of the state’s most prestigious scholastic awards. 

Details for both the scholarship and the essay contest can be found at 

Essay Contest – Deadline: March 21 

Open to New Jersey students in grades 3-11. 

Who belongs in the New Jersey Hall of Fame? Students should research or interview (if possible) the person they wish to nominate and write an essay no longer than 500 words. Nominations can include famous people or even ordinary citizens who do extraordinary things in New Jersey and beyond. One winner from each grade level group (3-5, 6-8, and 9-11) will be selected. 

Areté Scholarship – Deadline: April 1 

Open to New Jersey high school seniors graduating in 2025. 

How are you overcoming challenges to becoming your best possible self? Named for a 3,000-year-old concept that refers to the actualization of one’s highest sense of self with moral excellence of character, twelfth-grade students with plans of furthering their education are invited to apply for four $5,000 scholarships by sharing their stories of adversity, determination, and success. 
