NJEA statement on the passing of Congressman Pascrell

NJEA’s officers, President Sean M. Spiller, Vice President Steve Beatty and Secretary-Treasurer Petal Robertson released this statement regarding the passing today of Congressman Bill Pascrell:

“We are saddened to learn of the passing of Congressman Bill Pascrell. Congressman Pascrell was a giant in New Jersey politics and the United States House of Representatives. In his many decades of dedicated public service, he never forgot the people who elected him or the job they sent him to do. He was a tireless advocate for public education, for the rights of working people, and for making sure that all communities have access to the resources and opportunities they need to flourish.

“As a former public school teacher himself, he understood the value of great public schools. He also knew what kinds of support students and educators need in order to succeed, and he worked hard throughout his career and his time in elected office to ensure those resources were available. 

“One of his earliest forays into elected office was when he served on the Paterson Board of Education. His career of public service also extended to his time in the United States Army, demonstrating his willingness to look out for the interests of others throughout his life.

“We extend our deepest sympathies to his family and loved ones. New Jersey is fortunate to have had him for so many years, and we will miss him deeply.”
