NJEA Member Discount Program Application

NJEA Member Benefits offers a wide variety of endorsed programs and special discounts for over 200,000 NJEA members. The NJEA Member Discount program offers retailers the opportunity to promote products and services by providing special discounts and savings to individuals who show their current NJEA membership card.

Retailers offering NJEA member discounts will be listed in the NJEA member discount program and on the NJEA website.

Your company or organization can be part of this program by completing and returning this application to NJEA at the following address. Incomplete applications will be returned.

  • (Person who can provide NJEA with additional information about this discount)
  • NOTE: Products and services listed in the NJEA Member Discount Program are provided as a service to NJEA members and do not constitute an endorsement by NJEA. NJEA makes no warranties, expressed or implied, including the warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose regarding any products or services listed in the NJEA member discount program. I have read the “NJEA Guidelines for Approval of Retail Discount Listing in the NJEA Member Discount Program” and certify that the discount stated above complies with these guidelines.
  • Clear Signature