Law Fair/Law Adventure: You be the Jury!  

Experience what it is like to serve as jurors with your students (Law Fair for Grades 3-6 and Law Adventure for Grades 7-8). Hear cases performed by winners of this year’s competitions. After hearing the cases, you and your students will deliberate and render verdicts. These free events will be held at the New Jersey Law Center in New Brunswick. Multiple days and sessions (a.m. and p.m.) available. See Law Fair or Law Adventure pages for more information (space is limited!) Visit

The Legal Eagle Newspaper

The New Jersey State Bar Foundation’s 2025 winter issue of The Legal Eagle contains articles on how the NCAA settlement transforms college sports, cellphone use in schools and a sneak peek at an article that will appear in NJSBF’s new publication, Constitutionally Speaking. The first edition will be devoted to the U.S. Supreme Court. A PDF of the latest issue of The Legal Eagle can be downloaded; copies can be ordered for classroom use; individual articles can be downloaded from the Legal Eagle Lowdown. Educators can subscribe to receive future issues.  Visit
