Get your union news via NJEA’s social media

by Angel Boose 

The reality is, in 2024, most people go to social media for their news. Knowing that, we share as much as we can about NJEA and all things affecting public education and public educators on our various social media pages.  

If you scroll our social media pages you will find information about a broad variety of association related content:  

  • Professional development conferences and how to register for them. 
  • Opportunities to nominate educators for awards. 
  • Action you and members of your community can take to advocate for legislation that will affect public education and educators. 
  • Applications for grant money to support initiatives in your classroom, school, or district. 
  • Recognitions of members and their accomplishments. 
  • Celebrations of holidays and observances. 
  • Endorsements of pro-public education candidates selected by our NJEA PAC Operating Committee. 
  • So much more.  

The goal of the NJEA Communications Division is to keep members informed. Our social media posts are just one way we aim to do that. We want you to know about and take advantage of opportunities to improve your pedagogy, to know the ways you can benefit from your membership, and how you can become or remain actively involved in our union to advocate for yourselves and the profession.  

Whether you are an aspiring educator, a first-year teacher, an educational support professional, a member of color, a retiree, or an educator in the early, mid, or veteran stage of your career, our union offers every member a way to get involved and remain connected, in a way that is fulfilling. 

Share NJEA content 

If you are the social media manager of your local or county association’s social media pages, we encourage you to repurpose or reshare the information on NJEA’s social media pages on your social media pages. Don’t reinvent the wheel. Your members may not follow NJEA’s social media pages, and we want to get our messages in front of as many members as possible. Share, share, share! 

Take a minute right now to like and follow us on our social media platforms:

Angel Boose is an associate director in the NJEA Communications Division. She can be reached at
