NJEA Equity Alliance Conference

Ocean Place Resort 1 Ocean Blvd, Long Branch, NJ, United States

Join us as we mark 50 years of human & civil rights advocacy.

Member Benefits Fair: Marion P. Thomas Education Association and New Horizons Education Association


The Marion P. Thomas Education Association and the New Horizons Education Association will host a Member Benefits Fair as part of an upcoming joint association event. This event is exclusive to members of the either the Marion P. Thomas Education Association or the New Horizons Education Association. Members who wish to attend should contact their

Arts Integrations Foundations

Arts Integrations Foundations, presented by NJEA & ArtsEdNJ's Kira Rizzuto, will immerse participants in the fundamental components of high-quality arts integration.

Growing Healthy Minds Project ECHO

Purpose: The Growing Healthy Minds Project ECHO brings together school physicians, school nurses, school counselors, school administrators, educators, and other school-based mental health professionals from across the state to improve mental health support for middle and high school students. Participants will collaborate to achieve the goal of improving understanding of how to promote holistic mental/behavioral wellbeing

Member Benefits Fair: Voorhees Education Association


The Voorhees Education Association (VEA) will host a Member Benefits Fair as part of an upcoming association meeting. This event is exclusive to members of the VEA. Members who wish to attend should contact the VEA. Exhibitors must be part of the NJEA Member Discount Program. Partners should confirm attendance with ljones@njea.org. To join the

Using Artificial Intelligence in your Classroom

Presented by NJEA’s PDII Consultants, this workshop is designed to provide teachers with a basic understanding of AI and how it can be integrated into their teaching practices to benefit both themselves and their students.