Unlocking Member Benefits for NJREA Members


  Whether you are new to NJREA or not, this virtual workshop will help you learn how the benefits of NJREA and NEA membership can save you time and money.

Pension Webinar

This NJEA webinar is ideal for members of the TPAF (Teachers’ Pension and Annuity Fund) and PERS (Public Employees’ Retirement System) who will likely retire in the next five years.

Growing Healthy Minds Project ECHO

Purpose: The Growing Healthy Minds Project ECHO brings together school physicians, school nurses, school counselors, school administrators, educators, and other school-based mental health professionals from across the state to improve mental

NJEA Homebuying Helpers


    Learn what to expect in your journey to homeownership. Use NJEA/NEA Member Benefits to make smart choices and save you money along the way! Presented by NJEA/NEA Member

Survivor Speaks & How to Bring them to your Classroom

Survivor Speaks & How to Bring them to your Classroom is presented by NJEA & the New Jersey Commission on Holocaust Education. Participants will experience a Survivor speak and gain valuable tools how to meaningfully and appropriately incorporate live testimony into their Holocaust lessons.