Classroom Teachers

Classroom Tools
Publications can be ordered for school and classroom use: NJEA Communications offers a number of free public relations materials members can hand out at back-to-school night, community and school events. Choose from parent tips brochures, teacher communications notes, certificates, posters, or static decals.

NJEA Review
The NJEA Review is the Association’s official publication and is mailed to all of NJEA’s 200,000 members. The magazine is published monthly, September through June. Submissions are welcome, especially from NJEA members. For information on advertising in the NJEA Review, to learn more about submitting photos, quick tips, PRIDE activities, letters to the editor, or feature articles find important contact information on the page.

Classroom Close-up, NJ
Classroom Close-up NJ is an archive of 25 years of video telling the stories of NJEA members and their innovative work that has made New Jersey’s public schools the best in the nation. Here you can watch and download videos, search for stories that have aired the past two decades, become a fan and view the photo gallery.

Affiliated Groups
Affiliated Groups: These organizations are members of the NJEA Affiliated Special Interest Groups Council. They each provide their members with opportunities to network with colleagues around the state, and some are chapters of national organizations. Professional development experiences and professional and student recognition programs are among the benefits of membership. In addition, many of the workshops presented at the NJEA Convention are sponsored by these organizations. It’s also important to remember that no matter which teacher practice instrument your district is using, membership in one or more of these organizations can be provided as evidence of effectiveness in the professional responsibilities indicators within your evaluation instrument.

NJ Center for Teaching & Learning
The NJ Center for Teaching and Learning is a non-profit 501 (c) 3 organization, governed by an independent board made up of leaders in education, business and philanthropy. The mission of the Center for Teaching and Learning is to empower teachers to be leaders in the transformation of public schools so that all students have access to a high-quality education.

Read Across New Jersey
Reading is a year-round priority for New Jersey educators and their students, but early March is, well, another story entirely. The excitement is in the air as schools from Hudson to Cape May come together each year to celebrate Read Across New Jersey. Read Across-NJ continues the tradition of past Read Across America celebrations while also encouraging students to explore their ever-changing world through books. After all, a book can take children anywhere their imagination wants to take them!

Family Involvement
NJEA’s Families and Schools Together Work for Children (FAST) program works to encourage families to be involved in their children’s education, to enhance their academic progress, and to feel welcome in public schools. FAST is a coalition of education advocates, community groups, and schools working together to foster family involvement.

The NJEA Frederick L. Hipp Foundation for Excellence in Education: Grants which make it possible for public school employees to receive funding that will help them bring creative ideas to life. Apply for a Hipp grant and bring your innovative ideas to life.

Professional Learning
Professional learning is an important part of every educator’s career, regardless of job description. That’s why NJEA provides access to numerous professional learning opportunities every month, as well as information about opportunities offered by other providers. Look for important events posted here, as well as links for online workshops, and resources. NJEA members can sign in to track their professional development hours in our NJEA Professional Development Portfolio.

Advocacy Training
NJEA provides a variety of workshops throughout the year to improve members’ advocacy skills. These trainings ensure that every member has the opportunity to develop themselves as advocates for themselves, their profession and their students.