Read more about the article Pandemic complicates, but can’t quench, bargaining victories in Atlantic City and Livingston
The Livingston EA Negotiations Team. From left: Ted Paris, Wendy Gelman, Lisa Bonvini, Anthony Rosamilia, Jennifer Larsen, and Debbie Paolella.

Pandemic complicates, but can’t quench, bargaining victories in Atlantic City and Livingston

Two districts share top honors in 2021 Jim George Collective Bargaining Awards By Kathryn Coulibaly Two local associations shared top honors for the 2021 Jim George Collective Bargaining Award. The…

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Writer’s workshop

Comparing video and written comments through flash feedback By Sarah Petty What is flash feedback? Flash feedback focuses on one to two learning objectives, with students rather than teachers doing the…

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Special education needs its fair share

By Ethan Handelman Imagine your family is one of the many in New Jersey that are not able to send their children to schools in their hometowns because their accommodation…

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Camden EA member named a 2021 American Academy of Nursing fellow

Robin Cogan, a school nurse at Camden’s Yorkship Family School, was named a 2021 American Academy of Nursing fellow, placing her among 225 distinguished nurse leaders worldwide inducted at the…

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Read more about the article Blistan receives Ruthann Sheer Award
From left: NJEA Secretary-Treasurer Petal Robertson, NJEA Vice President Steve Beatty, Immediate Past President Marie Blistan, NJEA President Sean M. Spiller and Distinguished Service Committee Chair Danielle Clark.

Blistan receives Ruthann Sheer Award

At the NJEA Convention’s Wednesday night Celebration Dinner, Immediate Past NJEA President Marie Blistan received the NJEA Ruthann Sheer Distinguished Service to Education Award. The award honors to those who…

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Bridgewater-Raritan bus drivers: celebrating a stronger union

For the first time since the pandemic struck in March 2020, the members of the Bridgewater-Raritan Transportation, Inc.(BRT) gathered in-person on November 24 for a reunion lunch.  The BRT’s usual…

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