New NJREA phone number
New NJREA phone number open for calls: We have set up a new direct line for NJREA members to call with questions, concerns and ideas for their state-level association. We…
New NJREA phone number open for calls: We have set up a new direct line for NJREA members to call with questions, concerns and ideas for their state-level association. We…
By Victoria Gladstone Yes! The edTPA has nearly been eliminated! Is it time to celebrate? Not quite. As of press time, the state Legislature was still considering the terms of…
Elizabeth Allen Four-Year Scholarship Charles Devine is the recipient of the Elizabeth A. Allen Four Year College Scholarship. Devine’s grandparents were teachers, which he says influenced his work ethic and…
NJEA Preservice represent New Jersey at NEA Aspiring Educators Conference This past July, several NJEA Preservice members had the opportunity to go to Chicago, where they attended the National Education…
NJEA Preservice is led by college students like you, preparing for a career in education. Meet this year’s NJEA Preservice officers and committee chairs. Sarah AdamoPresident Last year, Sarah served as…
The rules for working after retirement have recently changed, sparking some confusion about when retired members can return to work in the public sector in New Jersey. School nurses may…
Please see below for NJREA's 2022-23 Executive Commitee, committee chairs and county presidents, as well as their contact information. Contact the NJREA office directly via email at:
Some members are understandably concerned following reports of a 15% premium increase for the SEHBP. Don’t worry: if you retired with 25+ years of service and receive fully or partially…
The Executive Committee’s voting members approved the proposed budget on April 13, 2022.
Your NJREA membership gives you access to discounts on lots of fun summer activities. Visit the NJEA Member Benefits page at for these and other discounts.