2023 Medicare Part B premiums

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) in Nov. announced the 2023 premiums for Medicare Part B. For Medicare beneficiaries, premiums and deductibles will decrease. Premiums will be reduced…

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2023 Medicare Part D premiums

Since Jan. 1, 2012, all Medicare-eligible retirees enrolled in the School Employ­ees’ Health Benefits Program (SEHBP) are automatically enrolled in the state-selected Medicare prescription plan, which is cur­rently OptumRx. This…

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Social Security to increase to 8.7%

The Social Security Administration recently announced that there will be an 8.7% cost-of-liv­ing adjustment (COLA) in retirees’ Social Security benefit payments beginning in Jan. 2023. This is the largest social…

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Election Day Debrief 2022

Member support pushes 9 of 11 endorsed candidates to victory In a strong performance by pro-education candidates in New Jersey, nine out of 11 U.S. House candidates endorsed by NJEA…

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New NJREA phone number

New NJREA phone number open for calls: We have set up a new direct line for NJREA members to call with questions, concerns and ideas for their state-level asso­ciation. We…

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edTPA is almost gone! Now what?

By Victoria Gladstone Yes! The edTPA has nearly been eliminated! Is it time to celebrate? Not quite. As of press time, the state Legislature was still considering the terms of…

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NJREA celebrates student success

Elizabeth Allen Four-Year Scholarship Charles Devine is the recipient of the Elizabeth A. Allen Four Year College Scholarship. Devine’s grandparents were teachers, which he says influenced his work ethic and…

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Future educators take on Chicago

NJEA Preservice represent New Jersey at NEA Aspiring Educators Conference  This past July, several NJEA Preservice members had the opportunity to go to Chicago, where they attended the National Education…

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Read more about the article Meet your NJEA Preservice officers and chairs
At the 2019 NJEA Preservice Conference (l-r): Karina Canales, Brenda Paez and Taylor Donato.

Meet your NJEA Preservice officers and chairs

NJEA Preservice is led by college students like you, preparing for a career in education. Meet this year’s NJEA Preservice officers and committee chairs.  Sarah AdamoPresident  Last year, Sarah served as…

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Working after retirement

 The rules for working after retirement have recently changed, sparking some confusion about when retired members can return to work in the public sector in New Jersey. School nurses may…

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