Read more about the article Be prepared for chemical emergencies
*These data were calculated by facility management and sent to the US Environment Protection Agency.

Be prepared for chemical emergencies

One year ago, a train derailed from a bridge, and a cloud of highly toxic, vinyl chloride spread through the town of Paulsboro in Gloucester County. Nearly 700 residents were…

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Protection Crucial for Custodians

Local association teamwork saves the day At Cherry Hill High School East, a water leak left unattended for the summer caused extensive mold growth in dozens of classrooms. In late…

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Before you ask for help

What to do when you have health and safety concerns Suppose you are suffering from headaches and sinus problems that seem to get worse during the work week, and better…

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Coalition seeks urgent school repair

Students at Trenton Central High School (TCHS) walked out on June 11, 2013, to protest dangerous and sickening conditions in the school, including rats in the cafeteria and leaking ceilings…

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Summer construction and renovations

Get involved now If your school district is planning to do renovations, post-Sandy repairs, or new construction over the summer, now is an excellent time for the local association to…

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Manage lab chemicals safely

Classroom demonstrations and student laboratory experiments must be handled carefully. To carry out such activities without shielding and other precautions can have serious consequences: in some instances students and teachers…

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Can you open doors and windows?

Outside air is especially important when it's hot Outside air and good air circulation are always crucial for air quality in the classroom, never more than when it's hot. Many…

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