Bus Safety Tips for Parents

For parents, it is comforting to know that the safety record for school buses is remarkable.  Traveling on a school bus is six times safer than the family car.

In fact, the most dangerous place for students isn’t on the school bus but the area outside the bus. 

That’s why being safety-conscious is not only important for school bus drivers, but also for students, parents, and motorists. 

We all have a role in making sure children’s travel to and from school is safe. 

Here are some things parents can do to help ensure children arrive safely:

  • Dress students in bright clothing that’s easy to see and does not obstruct their vision.
  • Provide children with backpacks or book bags so they do not endanger themselves recovering dropped items.
  • Make sure clothing and book bags are free of dangling drawstrings or other items that could get caught on the handrail or door of the bus as children are boarding or exiting.
  • Ensure that students are at the bus stop a few minutes before the bus arrives.
  • Remind children of their responsibility to behave properly while waiting for and riding on the bus.
  • Keep bus stop areas free of trash cans, snow drifts in winter, or other obstructions that could make it difficult for the driver or other motorists to see children. 
  • Read NJEA’s Bus Safety Tips for Students with your child.

School bus drivers, bus aides, teachers, and other school employees are proud to work with you to keep children safe. And when families and school staff work together, our children are the winners.
