Being your own hero

By Jes Quijano

Across the state, schools experienced an unprecedented disruption because of COVID-19. Educators had to pivot to new routines and procedures while adapting to new positions and technology. In essence, every educator became a first-year educator; starting from scratch. Throughout all of it, the students came first.   

Why do we need to be our own heroes? 

As educators, many of us have seen Rita Pierson’s Ted Talk, “Every Kid Needs a Champion.” It is her words that inspire and remind educators why we come into school day-in, day-out. Listening to her words post-pandemic, I’ve had a new perspective on the realities of work in a school. It is these realities that cause educator exhaustion and cynicism, while sensing a decrease in accomplishment.  

Rita Pierson starts her Ted Talk by sharing that she has spent her whole life in school: attending a school, traveling to and from one, or talking about what happens at the school. Think about the amount of time you are “on the clock”—in a classroom, in the office, on a school bus, or in any of the places as a school district employee you might find yourself. Now think about how much of your time is spent commuting to and from work, how much time you spend before and after school preparing for the next day, grading assignments, and communicating with parents and colleagues. In the pandemic, the hours of preparation increased while balance decreased.  

Rita Pierson also emphasizes the importance of human connection, which has also decreased. We taught in isolation. We stared at nearly blank screens showing just the initials of our students; getting answers and responses from a chat box. For many of us, schooling is still isolating because of social distancing requirements, restrictions on student interactions, and other health and safety protocols.  Even educator to educator connections are limited. Staff rooms used to bustle with staff eating lunch together, now they are passed by.  

While we will always put students at the forefront of what we do, it is important that in the midst of all the exhaustion and cynicism that we remember to be our own heroes, too.  

How to be your own hero? 

As we pivot away from some pandemic restrictions, it is important that we incorporate ways to be our own hero. Adjusting back into a routine is the perfect time to create a routine that supports our well-being. Here are some ways. 

Set boundaries—and keep them 

Reflect on your needs, whether that is to spend time with your family, friends, or to make time for yourself. Give yourself a designated space and time to work. As much as communication has been vital to the success of virtual learning, there comes a time when your computer is laid to rest. Decide on two nights that your work does not go home with you. Communicate to your students’ families a time to contact you and when they might have to wait until the next day to get a response. These boundaries will allow you to have some piece of mind.  

Get moving 

A growing collection of studies shows the positive effects of exercise on reducing anxiety, stress and depression. Through the physiological and biochemical mechanisms, including the release of endorphins, moving your body has been shown to contribute to better health outcomes and better moods.  

Create joy and satisfaction 

This is easier said than done, but it is crucial to combating the depression and anxiety that comes along with burnout. Education can be taxing emotionally, physically and mentally. It is important that we foster the good feelings that have been proven to boost our abilities to deal with stress, solve problems, and keep open minds.  Mental Health America offers these tips to create joy and relax: 

  • Do something you enjoyed as a kid: Whether that is running through the sprinklers, hanging on the monkey bars, or even making a mess with paint, use memories of joy to create new joy. 
  • Do something you’ve always wanted to do: Take time to get items on your bucket list done. Whether that is baking a soufflé, taking a fitness class, or learning how to knit.  
  • Watch or listen to comedy: Get a good laugh by watching comedy on a video, podcast, or website. Better yet, get a good laugh the old-fashioned way and read through the comics section of a newspaper.  
  • Take a nature break: Walking in or even just looking at nature has been shown to calm nerves and relieve mental fatigue. 

Jes Quijano is a teacher in the North Brunwick School District and a member of the NJEA Early Career Educators Network. 
