The Lenape: Past, Present, and Right Relationships
Please join Chief Adam Waterbear, Tribal Storykeeper and Director of Education for the Lenape Nation of Pennsylvania, to discuss the past and present of the Lenape people.
Event Description
Chief Adam Waterbear, Tribal Storykeeper and Director of Education for the Lenape Nation of Pennsylvania, will discuss the past and present of the Lenape people, including pre-colonial life, relationships with William Penn, the era of Penn’s Sons and the Walking Purchase, the Lenape diaspora and the Lenape who remained in their homeland, and what the Lenape Nation of Pennsylvania is doing today to revitalize Lenape culture and continue their role as caretakers of the environment. Chief Adam will then discuss the importance of land acknowledgments and action in the allyship of Indigenous communities. Discussion and questions from the audience will be welcome and encouraged.