Holding hands and helping out 

Meet 2024 Union County ESP of the Year Jennifer Galik 

Jennifer Galik spends a lot of time reassuring parents. As the administrative assistant to the director of Special Services in Union Township Public Schools, she works closely with preschool parents who are beginning their educational journey. 

“I work with a lot of very wonderful, but very nervous, parents who are dealing with the potential of a child with some level of disability,” Galik says. “I do a lot of hand-holding, reassuring, explaining and explaining again. But I also generate data for the department for state reports and for general purposes. I deal with the Special Education Medicaid Initiative (SEMI). These students require greater services, so SEMI reimburses districts for some of the costs.”  

Galik has worked in education for 31 years, 26 of those in the Department of Special Services.  

“People might not see it, but I feel like I’ve made a difference in people’s lives,” Galik says. “I’ve worked there for so long and I know the staff so well. I love the work that I do because it gives me enough diversity and challenges to keep me happy throughout the day. I have a wide variety of duties, and it’s interesting, touching and sometimes sad.”  

Being named the Union County Educational Support Professional of the Year was a wonderful surprise for Galik.  

“After so many years of working in the schools, it made me feel amazing to be named the Union County ESP of the Year,” Galik says. “It was a surprise!” 

Galik has been an active member of her union since her second year in the district. 

“I’ve always been a strong union member,” she says. “I’ve picketed, and I’ve gone to Trenton to advocate for members. If they need someone on a committee, I’ll serve on the committee. I know that the union is only as strong as its members. Without the strong participation of the members, you don’t have power when it comes to negotiating and protecting the rights of the other members. Being named the Union County ESP of the Year means so much to me because it feels like I’m being recognized for all of my work.”