This November and next let’s elect pro-public education leaders 

“This is the most important election of our lifetime” has become a political cliché. But cliches often emerge for a reason. In a nation with a closely divided electorate that is choosing between candidates with profoundly different visions for the future of public education and the future of America, the stakes are high in November, and the outcome is far from certain.

Harris for the White House 

That is why NEA members across America are joining NJEA members here in New Jersey who are going all-in for our NEA-endorsed candidates for president and vice president, Kamala Harris and Tim Walz. We know what a difference it will make to have a thoughtful, experienced leader like Kamala Harris in the White House, with a smart, compassionate former teacher like Tim Walz by her side. 

We already understand the chaos that awaits us if the election goes the other way. Whether Donald Trump brings back Betsy DeVos or finds someone worse to head the Department of Education, we can be sure that public schools and the people who work in them will again be under attack at the federal level. The mad dash for vouchers, privatization, defunding public education and destroying unions will start faster than you can say “Project 2025.” 

Of course, it goes beyond funding and economic issues. Whether all students have access to diverse books in their libraries, inclusive curricula in their classrooms and enough food in their cafeterias is on the ballot in November as well. So whether you think this is the most important election of your lifetime, it’s certainly the most important election of theirs. 

In New Jersey, we have another equally important election coming up next year. Gov. Phil Murphy is wrapping up his second and final term, and the race is on to replace him. NJEA President Sean Spiller has launched a campaign to be New Jersey’s next governor, and NJEA members have already endorsed him in that historic effort. 

Spiller for the Statehouse 

Much like in this November’s national election, the stakes could not be higher for students and educators. Over the last seven years, with public education advocate Murphy in the Statehouse, we’ve made incredible strides. Our pensions are being fully funded. School funding has reached record levels. Affordable health insurance is finally available for members who get health insurance through their jobs. Educational support professionals have new rights and job protections. We are teaching a broad, inclusive curriculum. And our schools are recognized as the best in the nation. 

But we have not forgotten the previous eight years under Chris Christie, where demonization and name calling were daily occurrences. Where pensions and health benefits were slashed. Where paperwork multiplied and privatization was an ever-present threat. 

In 2025, we will elect a governor who will build on recent progress, or one who drags us back to the dark days before that. For students and educators alike, the stakes could not be higher in that election, either. That is why we NJEA members are going all-in to elect Sean Spiller as the next governor of New Jersey. 

To learn more, join the campaign or donate, go to and sign up today. Do your part to make sure that we elect pro-public education leaders everywhere this November and next, so we can win the two most important elections of our lifetime.
