Professional Learning 

What’s alive for ‘24-’25

By Dr. Christine Miles 

As the education landscape evolves, so does the need for dynamic, engaging, and impactful professional learning. NJEA’s Professional Development and Instructional Issues Division (NJEA PDII) is at the forefront of this evolution, building upon our professional learning program for another vibrant school year ahead! NJEA PDII’s offerings are designed to enhance the professional practice of our members, ensuring they are well-equipped to meet the diverse and ever-evolving needs of all students. 

This year, we are hopeful for the impact of the state’s newly revised standards for professional learning, which emphasize equitable and excellent outcomes for all students. These standards recognize the importance of high-quality content that is tailored to and accessible for each learner, transformational in its processes and creates the conditions necessary for student success. Through a variety of formats including the affiliate professional development program, a virtual statewide series, the NEA blended learning program, and NJEA Transform and Impact conferences, there’s something for everyone’s professional learning needs.  

Innovations and key themes for ‘24-’25 

New professional learning opportunities include leveraging cutting-edge innovations and addressing pivotal themes: 

  • Using Artificial Intelligence in the Classroom: Explore how AI can enhance learning experiences and outcomes. 
  • Optimizing the Evaluation Process: Rethink evaluation to better support teacher growth and student achievement. 
  • Exploring Inclusive Curriculum: Develop strategies to create curricula that reflect and celebrate the diversity of our student population. 
  • It’s Not About Fixing Students! Cultivating Environments that Support Growth: Move beyond the deficit model to nurture environments where every student can thrive. 
  • Voices Unveiled – The NJEA Convention Film Festival Highlights: Engage in meaningful dialogue through film screenings and guided discussions on select films reflecting the diverse histories, identities and experiences. 

In partnership with the National Education Association, NJEA’s Professional Development and Instructional Issues’ Division will again offer blended learning opportunities focusing on supporting multilanguage learners, a vital skill in our increasingly diverse classrooms and communities. 

Empowering through professional learning 

At the core of the revised standards for professional learning is the belief that education should be equitable, embracing the historical, cultural, and societal contexts of our students. To that end, NJEA’s professional learning opportunities are crafted to: 

  •   Enhance educators’ understanding and application of rigorous content. 
  •   Promote equity-driven teaching practices. 
  •   Foster a culture of collaborative inquiry and continuous improvement. 
  •   Equip educators with the skills to implement transformational learning designs. 

The conditions for successful professional learning underscore the necessity of equitable access, a supportive culture and leadership that champions the importance of ongoing education for educators. 

Looking ahead 

The 2024-25 professional learning program is not just about acquiring new skills, it’s about fostering a community of educators who are equipped to navigate the challenges of modern teaching with confidence, creativity and style. Our diverse array of learning opportunities ensures that there’s something for everyone, whether you’re looking to integrate new technologies into your teaching, seeking to deepen your understanding of inclusive practices, or aiming to cultivate a growth-supportive environment for all students. 

We invite all NJEA members to engage with our professional learning offerings. By participating, you not only enrich your own professional practice but also contribute to the collective advancement of our educational community. Together, we will continue to lead with hope, amplify all voices, and foster equitable, just, and impactful action in education. 

Local and county affiliates interested in planning professional learning with NJEA for the 2024-2025 school year should connect with their UniServ representative and PDII Zone lead to forge ahead. 

Chrissi Miles is the director of the NJEA Professional Development and Instructional Issues Division. She can be reached at
