NJEA celebrates three cohorts of teacher leaders 

On Aug. 21, the first three cohorts of the NJEA Teacher Leader Academy gathered for a festive luncheon at the Princeton Marriott at Forrestal to celebrate their completion of the program. Former NJEA President Marie Blistan reflected on the role that NJEA played in the creation of the Teacher Leader Endorsement. Richard Wilson, the coordinator of the Teacher Leader Academy, reflected on the incredible variety of ways in which the graduates have leveraged their influence and their leadership in their schools, their districts and on any number of statewide academic initiatives. 

The Academy has graduated 45 candidates who have earned the Teacher Leader Endorsement from the New Jersey Department of Education. For more photos from the event, visit flickr.com/njea/albums.  

For more information about the academy, visit njea.org/tla or visit the Teacher Leader Academy booth at this year’s NJEA Convention.
