NJ Aspiring Educators Ambassador Roles and Responsibilities

Ambassadors shall serve as leaders and volunteers of the organization that promote NJ Aspiring Educators (NJAEA – formerly NJEA Preservice) on their respective campus and with their local chapter. 

This is a leadership position that represents the Association’s missions and values:

  • On collegiate campuses
  • At the statewide level including events and correspondences 
  • During NJAEA-hosted activities
  • To current and prospective members

Ambassadors are:

  • Collaborative team players 
  • Informed political advocates
  • Supportive volunteers of the efforts and needs of the NJ Aspiring Educators Leadership Team (officers, ambassadors, and chairs)

NJAEA Ambassador Opportunities

Joining the state leadership team is a wonderful way to network and gain leadership skills as an aspiring educator, as well as to join the strongest labor union of educators in the United States.

As an Ambassador, you will have access to:

Part of Something Bigger

The NJ Aspiring Educators Association (NJAEA) is the collegiate branch of the full-time state educator’s public sector union, the New Jersey Education Association (NJEA), in which administration of public schools are aquatinted with due to the influence NJEA has in New Jersey public schools.  On top of that, you are a part of the National Education Association (NEA), which encompasses all state affiliates in the USA.  Because of this, you receive communication on current events and opportunities that are state-wide and nationally-based.

A Social Network:

Because NAEA is a state-based organization, you have the opportunity to connect with aspiring educators outside of your campus and internships, building an educational community and professional network.

Skillset Development

As an Ambassador, you have access to professional learning opportunities, conferences, and symposiums that full-time educators attend, connecting you with various employers and expanding your resume to include relevant professional learning.

Value-Based Service

During your service, you will develop passion, strength and talent that align with causes that directly relate to your future classroom and students.

Leadership Building

This leadership position is team-heavy, and equips you with the knowledge, experience, and activism to expand your mentorship experience and in turn, widen your diverse skill set.

Member Benefits

NJAEA members have access to benefits that full-time members (including teachers, paraprofessionals, administrative assistants, etc.) have, and learn the best ways to utilize and leverage your membership while you are still in your certification program.

NJEA Preservice Ambassadors Must Attend:

  • Leadership Team (LT) Meetings (Once a month on Sundays from 6-7pm, 10 per year, often via Zoom)
    • Ambassadors are permitted to miss one (1) meeting due to unforeseen circumstances. Otherwise, if ambassadors need to miss a LT meeting, they must notify the NJAEA officers at least 48 hours in advance.
  • LT Retreats (often in person)
    • Ambassadors are permitted to miss one (1) retreat due to unforeseen circumstances. Otherwise, if ambassadors need to miss a LT Retreat, they must notify the NJAEA officers at least one (1) week in advance.
  • NJEA Convention and attend to NJAEA LT duties (held in person on Nov. 7-8, 2024 in Atlantic City Convention Center)
  • The NJAEA Conference (held in person) – April 5, 2025
  • If funding permits, at least one NJEA Advocacy or Professional Development Conference held throughout the service year (options may be chosen by staff & officers)

Other NJAEA Ambassador Responsibilities Include:

  • Goal-setting and tracking throughout the term via method determined by staff & officers
  • Complete and submit a short report for LT meetings 48 hours prior summarizing your month’s work
  • Completed delegated tasks assigned by the LT